Healing Places
My Top Picks

The Raj Ayurvedic Health Center
Fairfield, Iowa
This is the grand daddy of them all. The most incredible, life changing, wonderful place that was the start of turning it all around for me.
If you have never heard of Panchakarma, google it right now. It is an Auyrvedic healing system of massage, healing oils, and the most luxurious treatments.
There is a 3 day minimum to visit. The hotel room, 2 treatments a day and all meals comes to about $500 a day, which is expensive. But for what you get, and how you feel, it's a bargain.

The only panchakarma I have experienced is at the Raj, (above) but there are a few other centers in the United States that offer Panchakarma. I can't recommend where I haven't been, but I sure did love the Panchkarma I experienced at the Raj. So I would be happy to try any of these (below) that have been recommended by Yoga Journal.
The Ayurvedic Spa | California College of Ayurveda
Nevada City, California
Shankara Ayurveda Spa | Art of Living Retreat Center
Boone, North Carolina
Ayurvedic Healing
Santa Cruz, California
I was not a believer. But after an exhaustive round of chiropractors and pain specialists, I found myself finally in an office with a doc who was ready to give me shots of steroids in my back. Right before the shots, I said to her "what about acupuncture?"
She replied "well, it works but it takes 10 times." I said "forget your needle of steroids until I try acupuncture 10 times".
I was shocked. After the 6th time ( I did 2 sessions per week) the pain started to subside. By the 10th session, I was pain free. Unbelievable.
My acupuncturist also does "cupping". So I don't what worked more, the acupuncture or the cupping. My acupuncturist is Natalie Kilheeney-Dabkowski at Beyond Zen Studio in Mishawaka, Indiana. Web site is https://www.beyondzenstudio.com/
Google for practitioners in your area, but be warned, they are not all the same. Shop around and get recommendations.

DBC Natural Holistic Health Center, PLLC
After way, way too many rounds of pharmaceuticals, I had to find another route. My usual docs only know how to write prescriptions. I finally found the holistic, functional medicine doctors at DBC Natural Health in Grand Rapids, MI.
My doc there did a number of tests and recommended supplements and herbs that are all food, plant based. I'v been taking them for about 10 months and have regular visits to DBC so my doc can keep tabs on my progress. It's REALLY helping.
Google to find a Holistic Health Center near you with functional medicine docs. Again, find recommendations.
If you live near Grand Rapids, MI please check out DBC. They are really wonderful.
And....they have a lot of treatments that are alternative that you can't easily find. Read about them on the web site. https://www.drdenboer.com/default.aspx

Mark Kolack Wellness
Marque Kolack is a healer, spiritual coach, yogi and all around brainiac. The guy is brilliant.
He works at a center in Florida at a center called Paradise Wellness and Event Center in Bonita Springs. There are many seminars and healing modalities available there, but I am in Michigan so my sessions with Marque were done via phone and skype.
Marque's spiritual coaching with me was done early in my healing journey, when I was bed ridden. Although I was so sick I could barely pay attention, he stayed with me and lifted me out of the muck. He jump started my decision to heal.
See a video of Marque about Healing Yourself
Marque Kolack spiritual coach web site http://www.marquekolack.com/
Marque Kolack Wellness on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marquekolack/
Energy Genesis
I first heard of this as Dr. and Author, Christine Horner, was singing the praises of the "Life Vessel". The therapy is only available in a few states, but one of them is in Kalamazoo, MI, at the Energy Genesis of the Great Lakes. Energy Genesis is the newer phase of the Life Vessel.
I have only done Energy Genesis ( not Life Vessel but it's apparently the same therapy and by the same inventor) and I go to Energy Genesis of the Great Lakes. It's absolutely wonderful.
Energy Genesis™ (EG) is brand new and unique light and sound based treatment modality that is implemented via a 360 degree chamber. It combines photo-stimulation, music and the vibratory sensory perception of music which takes into account optimal relaxation and autonomic balance.

As this technology begins to evolve, the focus is to create results that turn off the activity of the genes that cause disease and turn on the activity of the genes that fight disease. This is a unique technique of using the body’s natural diagnostic output of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This technique allowed him to balance the ANS while the individual is in the Energy Genesis™ chamber, which also supports the body to naturally de-tox and de-stress at the same time.
Locations in the US that have an Energy Genesis Chamber and are providing treatments to the public.
Colorado - Life Vessel of the Rockies
Michigan - Energy Genesis of the Great Lakes
Locations for Life Vessel are at this link: https://lifevessel.com/locations/

I had a friend going through radiation and chemo, and he told me that he never could have gotten through it without reiki. So, I tried it.
What is it? Energy Medicine. It's kind of like acupuncture in that I don't know how or why it works, it just does. It helps.
I've been to a few practitioners and they are not all the same. If you are in SW Michigan or Northern Indiana, it's my opinion that you will find the very best reiki at Beyond Zen Studio with Marne Austin. She's the real deal.
Beyond Zen Studio web site: https://www.beyondzenstudio.com/
For a locator of certified reiki practitioners nation wide, here is a link:

Land of Light
Land of Light is currently being built and isn't open yet. But I know about it because it is the next phase of the Accupuncture Center of SW Michigan. Land of light will be on 10 acres in Paw Paw Michigan, and will be a major destination for alternative healing.
I have gotten many types of treatments at Accupuncture Center of SW Michigan. To experience their diverse menu of services, see their videos at this link:

Joan E. Hofman, MA, LPC
Subtle Energy Psychotherapistt
I did check out a number of therapists for both grief and to ask WHY am I not healing? Is there some deep subconscious pay off for staying sick ?
The only one that addressed this question with any sort of strategy was Joan Hofman, an energy psychotherapist.
So if you are in the Grand Rapids, MI area and desire a consult, I highly recommend Joan. I didn't feel better right a way.... it took a while. But she certainly pushed me in the right direction for changing the way I was thinking about things.
She also offers group workshops that are one-of-a-kind and I don't know where else you would find anyone quite like her.
See her web site at https://joanhofman.com/

Susan E. Brown, PhD: the natural bone health expert
After a very disappointing dexa scan and the knowledge that I now have osteoporosis, my local doctor was insistent upon bone drugs. I just didn't want to. My search led me to a wonderful doctor who is helping people with building strong bones with much success.
Dr. Susan Brown PhD has pioneered the natural approach to bone health for over 30 years. She was the first to prove that using only natural methods, nearly every woman can build strong bones for life. Incorporating her research and the latest scince, her six-point natural program has helped tens of thousands of women take control of their bone health and enjoy long, active, happy lives.
Her web site is www.betterbones.com. You can get on-line consults with her.